Wednesday, June 14, 2006

With the U.S. Open and father's Day falling on the same weekend, Nike has decided to put together a tribute to the recently departed Earl Woods. You can check it out right here.

The ad itself is pretty tasteful, with just one Nike swoosh right at the end of it -- no mention of golf shoes or clubs or anything of that ilk. Still, I find myself a little uneasy about it.

It's not the thought of Nike wanting to do something to honor Earl Woods, and it's pretty clear Tiger approves of it. I think it's more the thought of a corporation even approaching someone with the idea.

Even brooking the subject would seem to be difficult.

"We know your father just died, and seeing how it's Father's Day this weekend and also one of the year's biggest marketing opportunities for us, we thought we'd put together a montage and tack our logo on at the end. What do you say?"

Again, the ad is done tastefully, and perhaps Nike and Woods know one another so well that the possibility of upsetting its most recognizable face never crossed its organizational mind.

But I know I would have considered it, and probably not have taken the chance.

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